Tuesday 1 March 2016

Animating Software

Over the past few weeks I have been researching what type of animation jobs are available in the industry right now, and the qualifications required to apply to these positions; I have realised that softwares such as After Effects and Toon Boom are common knowledge within the industry, however these are softwares I'm not entirely comfortable using. I have made most of my main animations during this university course in Photoshop, since I found the timeline easier to navigate, so I could produce decent work quickly.

However Photoshop isn't actually an animating tool, and I now realise I'm going to have to explore other software choices so that I have a variety of skills under my belt for when I apply to jobs.

I've learnt bits and pieces of After Effects during my time in Leeds, despite these tutorials I've never needed to use it before, so I find it harder to remember; we are currently having small sessions every couple of weeks in Extended Practice to refresh my memory into the software, but I think I will need more practice.

TV Paint is apparently a popular software among professionals to use as an animating tool - I've never really heard of it before but I will download it (within this next year) and try it out!

'Toon Boom Harmony' is an updated version of Toon Boom that's been around for a while; I will also download this to experiment and compare it to TV Paint.

I might have to wait until I finish uni before trying these out properly, since I don't have much time right now and I need to get on with my own work on software that I'm familiar with, however I think it'll be good for me to broaden my horizon and expand my skill set.

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