Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Manchester Animation Festival - Intentions to Submit

As I have been thinking of ways to put my work out there and get in touch with industry professionals, I saw an advert for submitting short films to Manchester Animation Festival.

Unfortunately I didn't attend the festival last year, but those who went in my class seemed to believe it was a good experience - similar to Bradford Animation Festival (which got cancelled last year). The event will take place in November, and submissions are open from now until 29th July, which is plenty of time after uni is over to definitely make sure I have a finished film to submit.

The film I'd like to finish off and submit is my Extended Practice final piece, since it is my most recent major project, and will advertise my capabilities as an animator to audiences as I develop my practice and contacts in the industry. My film isn't finished yet, but it should be by the uni's exhibition on 10th June, and once it is I will submit it to the 'Student Films' category.

In the meantime, I just need to keep working on my film and keep an eye out for updates about the festival, since I'd like to see if I can apply to be a volunteer there as well. It looks like an amazing opportunity to meet the guest speakers, watch the screenings, and meet new people who have similar interests to me.

If becoming a volunteer doesn't work out, I'd like to attend the event anyway, since similar opportunities will arise if I give them the chance to.

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