Sunday, 7 February 2016

Brown Bag Studios

Since I'll be graduating soon (so scary!) I think it's time to start considering what I want to do with myself after uni. After looking back and remembering what my tutors have been saying to me for the past 3 years, I decided to search a few studios online to see what kind of work they do.

One company that stands out to me particularly is Brown Bag Films; after seeing their showreel and how friendly they all seem to be with each other, it peaked my interest. They originate from Dublin (which mainly focuses on 3D animation), however a 2D animation studio space has recently opened up in Manchester - seeing their work online makes me at least want to visit them, if not work with them!

Their website has a specific section which lists what kind of jobs are currently available in their studio - one that's advertised right now is an animation internship...

The internship will take place in Dublin, Ireland, however it will be a 12 week programme and I fit nearly all of the qualifications required for it; I think it could potentially be a great opportunity, as an internship seems to be the next appropriate step between education and work. I will keep an eye on this company, visit their studio space in Manchester, and keep it as an option for my future.

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