Thursday, 31 October 2013

Monsters University

I really love this film:

I like lots of aspects of this film, including;
The quality of animation; you can see little details such as Sully's fur, which really bring the film alive and make it visually pleasing to watch.
I love the character design - very creative monsters!
The subtle humour within the dialog is entertaining for both children and adults, despite it being officially a "child's film". 
The storyline is one I can relate to right now - starting university. This makes it generally more entertaining for me to spot things within their lives that I can relate to.
It was made by Pixar - A company with one of the best reputations involving animation!

So basically, I think this is a great film.

Typography Animation

I've always found the use of typography in animation interesting, such as this one:

I like the creative ways Jonny Lawrence has integrated their voices with text, getting the timing right and using imagery as well.
You can use typography to emphasise important things people are saying, by popping/bulging text, making it zoom in and out... You get what I mean!

Here's another example of typography:

I like the use of the little character to help control what people are looking at... I think the words flying all over the screen seem a bit jumbled and not as easy to watch as "The Earth". After watching several times I realised the different words flying around at the same time are the harmonies.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Who am I? Why am I here? What do I want to learn?

In a seminar I attended on Thursday 24th October, we were given the task of reflecting upon ourselves, to get us to think about ourselves as students and people, to start understanding why we chose to come here...

Why you chose to study on this programme?

  • I think it's a good idea for me to start from the basic techniques, even though I've explored some already it will be better to refresh my memory of them
  • The tutors seemed more involved with the students learning development compared to most universities
  • The city in general is very big and exciting, I'm looking forward to exploring more of it!
  • The course size I feel suits my ideal working environment better - 17 students including myself!
  • The modules seem to be designed to develop the students skills over the course of the three years... Right from the start

What do you want to learn during your time on the programme?

  • How to use software properly, such as Photoshop, Premiere and After Effects
  • I want to develop my own drawing style - attending life drawing classes and such will help!
  • How to use my time efficiently - planning what work I do and when
  • Using a drawing tablet to create animations
  • Adding sound to my films

What skills do you think are your strengths?

  • Photography, I do it in my spare time so I hope think I've developed a good eye...
  • Finding work through social networking sites/the internet
  • Drawing objects from observation or photographs
  • Picking up how to use a computer/mac quickly - all the little short cuts they use

What things that you want to improve?

  • My time keeping skills... I don't want to leave my work till last minute!
  • Using the appropriate colours and shades to finish my drawings
  • How to summarise what I want to say about other artists and their work - realising why a piece of work is good or bad
  • Drawing portraits/character designing
  • Using plasticine or clay to make stop motions/models and set designs

What ways will you evaluate your progress?

  • I'll write everything up on these four blogs
  • My sketchbook, which I will try to keep with me at all times
  • Feedback from tutors and fellow classmates
  • Hopefully I'll receive feedback from animators in the industry